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Chinese translation for "blued edges"


Related Translations:
edges:  边界
edging:  n.1.(衣服的)边饰。2.镶边,磨边;修剪(草坪的)边缘。
edge:  n.1.刀口,(刀)刃;锋;端;锐利。2.边,棱,边缘,边界,界线,界限。3.优势,优越条件。4.(声调、议论、欲望的)尖锐,强烈。5.〔比喻〕〔美俚〕微醉状态。短语和例子cutting edge 切削刀。 chisel edge 凿锋。 the water's edge 水边。 gilt edges (书的)烫金边。 edge angle 棱角。 edge ball 【体
edged:  adj.1.有刃的,有边的;锋利的。2.〔美俚〕微醉的。短语和例子edged tool 有刃之物,利器。 play with edged tool 玩弄利刃;〔比喻〕干危险的事。
blued edge:  氧化蓝边
blueing:  n.= bluing.
blues:  布鲁斯,蓝调布鲁斯音乐烦闷,忧郁反转现象蓝灰蝶抑郁幽幽蓝调忧郁布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)怨曲
blued:  变蓝的
blue blue:  蓝蓝的天空白云飘是蓝色
blue:  adj.1.青,蓝,蓝色的,天蓝色的;(脸色)发灰[青]的,(皮毛等)青灰色的。2.阴郁的,忧郁的,沮丧的,悲观的;(气候)阴凉的;(希望等)暗淡的,没精打采的。3.穿蓝衣服的;以蓝色为标志的;〔美国〕(南北战争中)联邦军的,北军的。4.〔英国〕清教徒的,禁律严厉的。5.〔口语〕(女子)有文艺趣味的,有学问的(女子)。6.淫猥的,猥亵的,下流的;渎神的。短语和例子blue
Example Sentences:
1.I held a sharp blue edge of steel tightly between thumb and forefinger to each fist .
2.Semidouble white ruffled star / wide medium blue edge
3.Semidouble white pansy / dark blue eye , variable thin blue edge
4.A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the south pacific in french polynesia
5.Semidouble white pansy / irregular dark purple - blue edge . medium green , pointed . semiminiature
6.A polo shirt in beige with turkish blue and olive green stripes . what make this design especially elegant are its collars and trimmed elastic cuffs in beige with blue edges
7.A crew - necked t - shirt featuring a combination of fine stripes in gray , white , bright green , dark green , pure black and bright blue . the collar and cuffs are fitted with bright blue edges , and the visual effect is striking
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